
Mental Coaching &
Well Being

Not only is your mind the basis for everything you experience in life, but also for every conscious contribution you can make in the lives of others.
Given that fact, it makes a lot of sense to take good care of it.
– S. Harris

The Mind during
Times of Crisis

The silver lining of an unforeseeable crisis, a tragic loss, emergencies and similar stressful circumstances has always been the opportunity for conscious change. However, it needed a global pandemic until the stoic phrase "Never waste a good crisis" spread across the media almost as fast as the virus itself. But as true as this phrase may be, as difficult is it to put it into action, because the negative effects of any sudden crisis are often more present and feel more urgent – economically, socially and of course psychologically. In many forms, this current pandemic demonstrated this "negativity bias" through distance.
While more distance to friends causes sadness and isolation, more distance to our jobs and routines makes us question if we are doing the right things, reflect certain live aspects or even take away conditions we were happy with. And now we are forced to reorientate ourself.
On the other hand, less distance to our family, kids or partners causes potential for stress and conflict due to the sudden lack of space. Or it causes fear of infecting the people that we are close to and live with. Such aspects receive most of our attention.

Taking Care

Regardless what the troubling circumstances might be (uncertainty; disorientating; negative self-reflection; job loss; conflicts; past regrets or future worries) and no matter if they are a result of a collective or personal crisis – they hijack our attention and pose a great threat for our mental well-being.
So since our mind is not only the basis for everything we experience in life, but also the basis for every conscious contribution we can make in the lives of others, it is extremely important to take good care of it.
In other words, we need some "psychological training & exercising" in order to properly self-reflect, look at a difficult situations and use them as opportunities. And just like building physical health, these mental practices need regular training to build a more resilient mind. I guide and support how to do that


On the scientific basis of personality psychology, systems theory & psychodynamic methods we engage in a predefined number of individual sessions. Along this process, we will identify your current problems by forming them into concrete challenges, deriving goals as well as strategies how to achieve those. Depending on your challenges we use suitable techniques throughout the entire coaching process which support you in curing and overcoming your issues. A regular coaching process consists of about 8 to 10 sessions with a duration of 1.5 hours each, which can be done in person or remotely. After each session, the main insights, break throughs or tasks for the next session will be summaries in a follow up mail so we can track your progress.

Before starting this process we have a free initial session to clarify details, address open questions and see if we resonate for a the possible coaching relationship.
In matters of stress management, health and resilience, clients can benefit from different stoic practices or breathing exercises I can teach after sessions if desired. These will not only help to control your mind in stressful situations, but also improve your energy level throughout your day.

© 2023 Christian Aranes | all rights reserved